Welcome to the official Landmark Hotel Memorial! The Landmark opened on July 1st, 1969, after eight years of stop-and-go construction and significant setbacks. A possible influence for the cartoon Jetson’s apartment, the Landmark was meant to be a revolutionary wonder for Las Vegas, Nevada. Instead, many regarded it as an eyesore and was plagued by financial trouble for most of its life. At one point, it was owned by Howard Hughes and was host to many celebrities. This site is a tribute to this architectural marvel and its place in Las Vegas history.

We always add more information as our research team comb through news archives and interviews with former Landmark employees. All information contained herein has been researched and verified through credible sources. You can see our master source list here. If you have information or photos to contribute, let us know!

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    Welcome to Our NEW Website!

    In our continuing efforts to preserve the Landmark’s memory, we have renovated and relaunched the Landmark Memorial website. Here, you can learn all about the full history of…

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